Welcome to Just Integrity Network by Justin Leslie, the living man, and Pfizer and Alternative media whistleblower of Project Veritas, O'Keefe Media Group and James O'Keefe.  Just Integrity is where journalism meets the pursuit of truth head-on. My platform is more than just a news site; it's a journey into the heart of truth, and uncovering the "veil" of gaslighting and deception.

Just Integrity Network is built on Integrity.  Truth is love and love is truth.  That's why I am are dedicated to providing a unique perspective that not only informs but also enlightens and engages.

Your perspective matters. Engage with Project Whistleblower on my platforms listed, and future stories, share your views, and become a part of a community that values integrity in journalism. Let's embark on this journey of discovery and truth together.

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Justin Leslie's Affidavits



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